Weekly Word Challenge,”Spare” The Lonely Sweater

Spare (Defined) “Not currently in use; in reserve” Glancing in the window of a recently closed children’s consignment shop, I spotted this tiny, orange sweater hanging forlornly in the now abandoned store front.  I pondered why this one vibrant item adorned with teddy bears, remained.  Perhaps a testament to a dream that was not toContinue reading “Weekly Word Challenge,”Spare” The Lonely Sweater”

“My Happy Place” The Marvelous, Magical, Mystical Powers of a Bath

“There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them.” Sylvia Plath I am addicted to baths. It began in my childhood, at what age I cannot say for certain. I can envision myself and my two sisters bobbing around in our bathtub, a simple noContinue reading ““My Happy Place” The Marvelous, Magical, Mystical Powers of a Bath”

Gregory’s Goodbye

 He left us yesterday.  My twelve-year-old son’s best friend.  It was not unexpected, yet we were not really ready to say goodbye as we stood in his driveway that balmy September afternoon. He was to attend a therapeutic boarding school in the rocky mountains of Colorado, for the next two years.  A school that specializedContinue reading “Gregory’s Goodbye”