Unsung Heroes

Sometimes, it is those in the background, the ones who are not center stage, that make a difference. The heroes among us who do their work, unceremoniously unnoticed.  I have chosen three colleagues of mine from the Psych hospital where I work, who touch the lives of our patients every day and whose acts ofContinue reading “Unsung Heroes”

The Boxer in the Jade Green Dress

If there was one word that would best describe the essence of Margaret Sullivan, I believe it would be grit. Throw in madcap, resilient, stubborn and fearless and you might just capture her spirit perfectly. She was a delightful olio, stirred, shaken and generously poured into the life of those fortunate enough to have hadContinue reading “The Boxer in the Jade Green Dress”

The Day the Music Died

It is 6:45 AM and the sun is slowly rising over the hospital’s still silent campus. Entering the conference room for morning report, I wonder as I always do, what type of day is in store. But the moment my eyes fall upon my fellow Psych Tech and friend, Kay Bauer, seated at the table, herContinue reading “The Day the Music Died”

In the Comfort of Strangers

In the fall of 2020, my son Owen left our small Connecticut town to embark on a journey; his first year attending Trinity College Dublin, in the land of his grandmother’s birth. Though Covid had the world firmly in its grip, Owen held high hopes. We all did. And arriving the next morning at 5AM,Continue reading “In the Comfort of Strangers”

Screwdriver Parties Part II

Thirty-four years ago, I was hired as an Advertising Sales Assistant to a man named Jim Cappello. We worked selling advertising for a publishing company located in midtown Manhattan. I can still envision our sparse office located in that beautiful Art Deco building called The Chanin, between 41st and 42nd Streets. I recall the newspaperContinue reading “Screwdriver Parties Part II”

Irish Worry Stone

  I am not superstitious by nature, but this lovely, simple symbol of my Irish heritage is never far from my side. In fact, I keep it tucked in a small zippered compartment of my purse.  Made from Connemara marble, the Irish Worry Stone so smooth and cool to the touch, is reputed to keep worries at bay […]

The simple, seasonal pleasure of ice skating

“Winter is here, best time of year, come on along sing a skating song…” One of my fondest childhood memories was ice-skating on a small rink my best friend’s dad built for us in her backyard.  Round and round we would soar feeling the chill of the air on our cheeks.  Not an iPhone or computerContinue reading “The simple, seasonal pleasure of ice skating”

WPC – Harmony – a boy and his dog

“You ask of my companions. Hills, sir, and the sundown, and a dog as large as myself that my father bought me. They are better than human beings, because they know but do not tell.”  Emily Dickinson https://dailypost.wordpress.com/photo-challenges/harmony/